Thursday 14 October 2010

Masthead,Cover and Contents page for School Magazine

Masthead and Cover details so far:


This is my first moc up masthead. I used the name excel to enphasise the succes and achievments of the sixth form. ths magazine is used to highlight this.


The slogon for the magazine is near the masthead to make sure the reader acknowledges this. The style writting used for excel is almost lilke a student has hand written it on this the effect i was trying to achieve.

The Cover, the star has been used to highlight the succes and fantastic achivemnt across the board with the sixth form. it is a simple but meaningful image, readers would understand immediately what was meant by the star.

I wanted to use images of studetns to potray that this is a great place to be and is very pupil orientated. This is something that the studetns recieving the magazine can relate with.

 I then created another moc up and added colour. I wanted this magazine to look quite studious and formal with a hint of creativity.

The colour used on this moc up is mainly greens and blues this mirrors the "Parkwood" lable and logo and ties in nicely.

Again I have used picutes of students to show the what sixth form is about. For my real Cover Page i will use studetns from different ethnic background I will use students with diferent fashion styles and differnt personalities. This will show that sixth form is about coming together and achieveing things together as a sixth form and exceling to higher levels. This is hopefully the message of the magazine.

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