Tuesday 5 October 2010

School Magazine Info

My Group: Hannah Woolcott, Hannah Cook and Holly Brisotw.
  • Name: Excel
We chose this name because we wanted the message of the magazine to be that the students of the school would excel and achieve. This gives the impression of succses and how the school is potrayed.
  • Ideas:
Our Ideas for this mgazine was to make a magazine made by the students for the students. Including things like inviting pictures of the students and the school and things like trips, socials, competitions, perfoming arts and to show the succsees of the school.
  • Values:
To show the succes of the school and the students.

  • Masthead Desing:

  • Number of Pages - Would images be the size of high life's? - Would you have the same number of articles on one page:
Our group decide to create a magazine with pages of a multiply of 8 so therefore decide to go with 8 pages this would therefore leave enough room for at articles and plenty of pictures and information about the school and the achievmetns of it and the students to make the magazine look packed with interseting information but not look to busy. 
  • Contnets Lists:
Our contacts list will be;
Page2- Latest Perfomance Review.
Page3- Latest Social, Latest Trip to Spain and Skiing Trip.
Page4&5- School Teachers Quiz (Win £50), Crossword, Suduko, Spot the Difference.
Page6&7 - Latest Art Work by Students ( Textiles, Fine Art, DT, Graphics).
Page8 - Sports and Sport Events.

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